Special thanks to all the beloved souls who have
signed up to be the Study Group Leaders across the
globe. Without them, there wouldn't be a Global Outreach
Project. To see their names, please click on "Global Leaders
List" on the left side. Also, special thanks
to Nelleke Meeldijk, for taking the lead in creating this
course, and these beloved souls who have contributed to the manifestation of
this 5th Global Outreach Project: (in alphabetical order)
Anna Kallenberg, Caroline, Leony Tseng,
Lydia Aeissing, Mauritza Victoria, Mei Ling, Peggy Elam, Phil
Crowley, Sandy West, and Veronica de Groot.
Loving Regards and thanks to all, including those contributors whose
names have not been mentioned here,
Sasan Banava,
Project Coordinator |